In beauty
may I walk
All day long
may I walk
Through the returning seasons
may I walk
Beautifully will I possess again
Beautifully birds
Beautifully joyful birds
On the trail marked with pollen
may I walk
With grasshoppers about my feet
may I walk
With dew about my feet
may I walk
With beauty may I walk
With beauty before me
may I walk
With beauty behind me
may I walk
With beauty above me
may I walk
With beauty all around me
may I walk
In old age wandering on a trail of
beauty, lively,
may I walk
In old age, wandering on a trail of
beauty, living again,
may I walk,
It is finished in beauty.
It is finished in beauty.


navajo book


Studiando l'arte giapponese si vede un uomo indiscutibilmente saggio,filosofo e intelligente che passa il suo tempo a far  che?A studiare la distanza fra la terra e la luna? No. A studiare la politica? No. A studiare un unico filo d'erba.  Ma questo unico filo d'erba lo conduce a disegnare tutte le piante, e poi le stagioni, e le grandi vie del paesaggio, e infine gli animali, e poi la figura umana. Cosi' passa la sua vita e la sua vita e' troppo breve per arrivare a tutto.
Vincent Van Gogh (lettere a Theo 26.9.1888)


private areas

Alsace canals cruising

The house of cats



ALBANIA (Click the flag to have a look)              

Postcards from the operative theatre


black book

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